Yesterday, I:
- Dealt with school registration
- Sewed patches on my son's rabbit preparatory to sewing a new face
- Went out for lunch with husband
Then all Hell broke loose.
- Status meeting (phone) on The Trainwreck Project which included the immortal exchange "What about Class Foo?"
"Well, we think it's done, but it's not passing unit tests." We are officially on target for code complete next Monday. I don't think so... - Phone call from headhunter during status meeting; put him off because I already had one phone meeting.
- Letter from job-I-don't-want asking for a third interview
- Post-status phone meeting with my management in which she attempted to cheer me up about putting out a 30-page User's Guide bearing my name and full of vague generalities. Didn't work. Went on to discuss my continuing with the next release of this product because nobody else can do it. Which I genuinely believe. Arrrgh.
- Phone call from friend at Company I Really Like; after social chat, verified that there is a major, major hiring freeze and nobody knows if the executive who gave permission to hire actually had authority to do so. No further information available.
- The real bombshell. The news that Salon Table Talk, my major source of human contact these last 5 years, is going pay-only, which is almost certainly equivalent to TT's going belly-up within the year.
- Picking up kids and taking to bookstore, where we couldn't find the summer-reading book that was our goal.
- Getting home to headhunter message asking why I wasn't answering my phone and if he could help me with my 'misgivings' about the job I didn't want.
- Went upstairs and left message on headhunter's answering machine saying I didn't have misgivings. What I had was an unwillingness to talk further with that employer. Did this confident that it would make headhunter mad at me. I hate having people mad at me.
Can I have a refund on yesterday?
In about 15 minutes I'm taking my daughter to the orthodontist to find out if this is the year she starts with the braces. And another day is off to a rousing start...